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2 posts tagged with "opensource"

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· 4 min read


This is a standard DBT project example data project "Getting Started", long long long list of instructions on how to setup and run everything. familiar right?

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with CoCMD you could install all dependancies, setup and run it with one line, for any operating system: datateam.onboarding

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behind the scenes, just one yaml and an awesome hub: code

Setting the stage

Data teams are instrumental in data-driven organizations.

A significant aspect of their role involves conveying to others how to manage data operations and services.

A key facet of their responsibilities entails effectively imparting knowledge on managing data operations and services to others. This often takes the form of

  • extensive how-to guides,
  • documentation,
  • archived Slack conversations,
  • and the sharing of internal knowledge. They guide teams on various tasks, such as setting up machines for data operations, conducting queries, establishing connections, and more.

The Challenges Data Teams Face

  1. Complex Toolchains: Data professionals often use a range of tools for data collection, data processing, and analysis. Coordinating these tools and ensuring their proper setup can be a daunting task.

  2. Onboarding: New members joining the data team need to quickly adapt to the toolchains and workflows. A smooth onboarding process is crucial for their productivity.

  3. Repetitive Tasks: Data teams frequently deal with repetitive tasks, such as data preprocessing, model training, and report generation. Automating these tasks can save valuable time.

  4. Collaboration: Effective collaboration within the data team and across departments is essential for sharing insights and results. This requires streamlined processes for sharing code, data, and documentation.

How CoCMD Can Help

CoCMD offers a simple and open command-line interface to address these challenges. Here's how data teams can benefit:

Streamlined Toolchain Setup

CoCMD can automate the setup of the various tools and packages needed by data teams. With a single command, team members can have their development environments configured consistently.

Effortless Onboarding

New team members can be onboarded seamlessly using CoCMD. By following predefined onboarding playbooks, they can quickly become productive, eliminating the time-consuming process of manual setup and configuration.

Automation of Repetitive Tasks

CoCMD allows data teams to create playbooks for automating repetitive data-related tasks. Whether it's data preprocessing, model training, or report generation, these tasks can be turned into repeatable, one-click processes.

Enhanced Collaboration

CoCMD playbooks and routines can be easily shared within the team and with other departments. This ensures that everyone is using the same tools and processes, leading to improved collaboration and consistent results.

Getting Started with CoCMD for Data Teams

To get started with CoCMD for your data team, follow these simple steps:

  1. Install CoCMD: If you haven't already, install CoCMD using the installation command provided on the CoCMD website.

  2. Select Data Packages: Choose the data-related packages you need from the CoCMD-Hub, which includes packages for data analysis tools, libraries, and more. Find in the hub what you need or write your own

  3. Create Data Playbooks: Develop playbooks and routines specific to your data tasks. These can include data preprocessing, machine learning model training, and report generation.

  4. Share with Your Team: Share your playbooks with your data team, making it easy for everyone to access and use them.

With CoCMD, data teams can deliver 10 times more effectively, providing insights and solutions to the rest of the organization faster and with greater consistency:

  • great dev experience with cocmd cli
  • private and secure
  • re-use community knowledge
  • automatic Docs generation
  • automatic notifications system
  • automatic recommendation system
  • ready distributions to all operating systems

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Visit the CoCMD website to learn more about CoCMD and how it can revolutionize your data team's processes.

Contact the CoCMD team at for any questions or assistance.

· 3 min read

Do you find long readmes/wikis with complicated setup instructions frustrating?

So Do I :)

Instead of writing down long instructions with prerequisites, installation command, configuration changes and all this with operation system variations notes - let's create an amazing experience for the people who needs the software you created. No one cares about the "steps" along the way, just make it happen.

So I created CoCMD. A simple and open cli app to make the onboarding and playbooks experience amazing.

How does it look?

Let's take for example our Kubernetes package. I created several onboarding and playbooks that can be useful.

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It's important to talk about specific "stories" where the benefit of using CoCMD is obvious.

Project Onboarding

Onboarding new hires is a very important process in any company. It's the first impression that the new hire gets from the company and it's the first impression that the company gets from the new hire. It's also a very important process for the new hire to get to know the company and the people in it.

Read how to do it with CoCMD Here


Usually, every team has a set of routines and procedures that are executed on a regular basis. This can also be called "playbooks" or "runbooks".

CoCMD can help you automate these routines and make them available to your team.

Read how to do it with CoCMD Here

Codebase CMDOps

Any project can have CMDOps (Command Line Operations). Lets say for example, your project requires some installation steps, or you want to add some shortcuts for your team or community to use.

Read how to do it with CoCMD Here


I created several public CoCMD Packages for Programming, Devops, Databases and general Machine setup. You can visit in or run

cocmd install

What Packages to install?:
> [ ] zsh
[ ] vscode
[ ] jenkins
[ ] impala
[ ] git
[ ] k8s
[ ] python
[ ] osx
[ ] node
[ ] go
[ ] rust
[ ] aws-s3
[ ] docker
[ ] prometheus

and get the full list

Create your own

Now your team/community can run

cocmd install <your-repo>

and get your onboarding and playbooks.

Visit the project website on Visit the github repo on

Help wanted there are interesting issues to work on, help me :)

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