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First Steps

After cocmd is ready on your machine, you can start installing and running packages. Packages can be installed from any Git repository you have access to (public or private) or from Cocmd hub.

Installing and Running

For example, if you are a Python developer, you can install a package - the python package:

cocmd install python

now you can run a playbook - for example the setup playbook:

cocmd run python.setup

or after opening a new terminal session:


to see what more is available in the python package, you can run:

cocmd show package python

Removing is easy

cocmd uninstall <package>

and it's gone.

See it in action: python.setup playbook

✅ install Python ✅ Python VSCode plugins ✅ Install miniconda asciicast

See it in action: node.setup playbook

✅ install Node.js ✅ Install yarn ✅ Install VSCode plugins


See it in action: full web project onboarding

as instructed in of a classic web project:

✅ vscode ✅ git ✅ github cli ✅ node ✅ pnpm ✅ git clones ✅ run website ✅ vscode extensions ✅ open IDEs asciicast

More Packages?

All available packages are on Cocmd Hub. Also, you can run:

cocmd install

to see all available packages from Cocmd hub.


There are many cocmd packages in your machine? You can browse them with:

cocmd browse
