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From Filesystem

Install from file system location with cocmd install <path>. path can be relative or absolute. When this command is executed, Cocmd will scan this path for nested cocmd packages up to 2nd level depth for cocmd.yaml files. For example is we add a package in ~/my-workspace, and this is the structure of my-workspace:

> tree ~/my-workspace
├── cocmd.yaml
├── my-package1
│ ├── cocmd.yaml
├────── deeper-my-package3
│ ├── cocmd.yaml
├── my-package2
│ ├── cocmd.yaml

It will add all packages under my-workspace and my-package1 and my-package2 to the system. This is useful when you have a parent directory that contains many directories with cocmd information and you want to add all of them at once.

Changing the depth of the scan is not yet supported, but will be in the future.