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Command-Line Help for cocmd

This document contains the help content for the cocmd command-line program.

Command Overview:


Cocmd is a CLI utility to collaborate on anything in the CMD in the community and internal teams. 
Use it to sync Aliases, Scripts, and Workflows.

Usage: cocmd [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  • browse — Terminal UI for browsing and running automations
  • profile-loader — Profile Loader command - Loads profiles
  • refresh — Refresh command - Refreshes something (add a description here)
  • docs — Docs command with a name argument - Generates and displays documentation
  • run — Run command with a name argument - Runs a specific automation
  • show — Show command with subcommands
  • install — Install command with subcommands
  • uninstall — Uninstall command with a package name argument - Uninstalls a specific package
  • remove — Remove command (no subcommands) - Removes something (add a description here)
  • setup — Setup command with a shell argument - Set up the CLI tool, specify shell
  • -n, --no-verbose — No-Verbose flag for less output

    Default value: false

cocmd browse

Terminal UI for browsing and running automations

Usage: cocmd browse

cocmd profile-loader

Profile Loader command - Loads profiles

Usage: cocmd profile-loader

cocmd refresh

Refresh command - Refreshes something (add a description here)

Usage: cocmd refresh

cocmd docs

Docs command with a name argument - Generates and displays documentation

Usage: cocmd docs [OPTIONS] [NAME]

  • <NAME> — Optional name argument for specific documentation generation
  • -r, --raw-markdown — Optional flag to show raw markdown

    Default value: false

cocmd run

Run command with a name argument - Runs a specific automation

Usage: cocmd run [OPTIONS] [NAME]

  • <NAME> — Optional name argument for specifying which automation to run
  • -p, --param <PARAMS> — Optional argument for input parameters
  • -f, --from <FROM> — Optional argument to specify the source of the playbook

cocmd show

Show command with subcommands

Usage: cocmd show <COMMAND>

  • package — Package subcommand with a 'name' argument - Shows information about a specific package
  • packages — Packages subcommand - Shows information about all packages

cocmd show package

Package subcommand with a 'name' argument - Shows information about a specific package

Usage: cocmd show package <NAME>

  • <NAME> — Name argument for 'show package' subcommand - Specifies the name of the package to show

cocmd show packages

Packages subcommand - Shows information about all packages

Usage: cocmd show packages

cocmd install

Install command with subcommands

Usage: cocmd install [OPTIONS] [NAMES]...

  • <NAMES> — Name argument for 'install' - Specifies the name of the package to add
  • -y, --yes

    Default value: false

cocmd uninstall

Uninstall command with a package name argument - Uninstalls a specific package

Usage: cocmd uninstall <NAME>

  • <NAME> — Name argument for 'uninstall' - Specifies the name of the package to uninstall

cocmd remove

Remove command (no subcommands) - Removes something (add a description here)

Usage: cocmd remove

cocmd setup

Setup command with a shell argument - Set up the CLI tool, specify shell

Usage: cocmd setup [OPTIONS]

  • -s, --shell <SHELL> — Optional shell argument for 'setup' command - Specifies the shell to set up

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